Ukázat detail
Doba montáže: 0.5hodin(y).
Váha: 0,16 Kg
Rozměry (DxHxŠ): 13x13x2 cm
Počet tohoto dílu na vozidle: 1 ks.
ParkOne Solar FS46 - the digital parking clock that charges automatically.
ParkOne Solar FS46 is the only electronic parking disc on the market completely powered by solar energy. Designed for the environmentally conscious and quality-oriented driver, ParkOne Solar features groundbreaking solar cell technology.
This parking disc contains a built-in rechargeable battery that charges 100% via solar panels. It automatically switches between summer and winter time, which can also be toggled on and off.
Forget about battery changes. With the rechargeable battery, ParkOne Solar remains powered throughout its lifetime. It charges during the day while you drive, and the rechargeable battery is utilized in the evening, eliminating the need for battery changes.
ParkOne Solar meets the strictest requirements for reliability and is approved by the Danish Road Directorate.
With ParkOne Solar in your car, you don't need to remember to set the parking disc. It automatically detects your car's movements and adjusts the parking time accordingly. According to regulations, ParkOne Solar sets itself to the nearest quarter-hour after your arrival time (for example, if you arrive at 16:37, ParkOne Solar sets the time to 16:45).
Simple operation: Activate/turn on ParkOne Solar by turning the round rear flap (located on the back of the product) approximately 1 cm clockwise, aligning the two small dots at the bottom. The screen on the back of ParkOne Solar will then light up, and the numbers will start blinking. The rear flap cannot be removed, and there's no need to replace the battery.
Approval: ParkOne Solar is approved by the Danish Road Directorate, referencing Regulation No. 150 of 24/02/2016 on parking clocks and bears the directorate's approval number FS46 on the front. To be approved by the Danish Road Directorate, a parking disc must display the parking time 100% reliably, and the time must not be manipulable under any circumstances. All components - including the battery - have been tested at the leading consumer technology institute in Finland, SGS Fimko.
Product Information:
- Type: Solar-powered
- Color: Black with a matte black backside
- Material: ABS and glass
- Temperature Range: Tested from -20°C / +75°C.
- Average Accuracy: ± 2 min./2 years
- Response Time in Parking Mode: Approx. 45 sec.
- Response Time out of Parking Mode: Approx. 45 sec.
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