Ukázat detail
Váha: 1,65 Kg
Rozměry (DxHxŠ): 25x25x20 cm
Počet tohoto dílu na vozidle: 1 ks.
A collection of Autoglym's best-selling products specifically designed to keep your car's interior clean all year round.
The set includes:
Autoglym Interior Shampoo 500 ml Interior Cleaner
Autoglym Vinyl & Rubber Care 500 ml
Autoglym Fast Glass 500 ml Glass Cleaner
Autoglym Interior Shampoo
Incredibly versatile low-foaming cleaner. An advanced blend of active enzymes and odor-neutralizing agents, it deep cleans quickly and effectively. The composition provides an easy spray-on-and-wipe-off effect. Removes stains and stubborn dirt from synthetic fabrics, carpets, headliners, vinyl, and plastic.
Autoglym Vinyl & Rubber Care
Vinyl makeup from Autoglym that nourishes and protects interior and exterior surfaces. The product provides a durable yet flexible and antistatic surface that protects against moisture, dust, rust, stains, and fading. Used on dashboards, panels, vinyl, rubber, plastic, tires, engine bays, and door jambs.
For a glossy finish, allow the product to sit for a few minutes and then polish the surface with a clean, dry cloth. For quick drying, achieve a semi-glossy finish.
Autoglym Fast Glass
Glass cleaner from Autoglym. Good visibility is essential for safety, and Autoglym Fast Glass is an outstanding glass cleaner that quickly and effectively cleans the inside and outside of the glass. The result is a crystal-clear view without annoying greasy streaks. Autoglym's glass cleaner is made without abrasives, silicone, and wax. Removes insect residue, oil, grease, sap, and bird droppings.
Nechte si provést v našich servisních místech montáž. Upozornení! Na našem webu najdete ""pouze"" 27.000 nových a použitých dílu a produktu z celkového poctu 500.000 dostupných položek v online katalogu pro BMW & MINI. Proto nás kontaktuje v prípadech, kdy nemužete najít hledaný díl ci doplnek! Máme nejširší nabídku dílu a doplnku pro BMW / MINI! Pokud znáte 11-místné originální císlo BMW dílu, mužete ho jednoduše vložit do vyhledávacího pole vpravo nahore nebo rovnou do košíku a ihned uvidíte príslušnou cenu dílu nebo doplnku! Stací již jen potvrdit nákupní košík a objednat! Kdykoliv nás kontaktujte na, pokud nenajdete to, co hledáte!"