Ukázat detail
Váha: 0,40 Kg
Rozměry (DxHxŠ): 9x10x25 cm
Počet tohoto dílu na vozidle: 1 ks.
A complete set with a coarse paint cleaner and an Autoglym Super Resin Polish, developed to remove slightly deeper scratches that cannot be adequately removed with Autoglym Super Resin Polish alone.
Not all scratches can be removed by hand, but this set can help significantly reduce them, thereby improving the surrounding area considerably.
- 100 ml Coarse paint cleaner
- 100 ml Super Resin Polish
- 1 microfiber cloth
- 1 polishing pad
Product Usage:
Wash the area around the scratch and ensure it is clean. Shake the tube well and apply the coarse paint cleaner twice to the polishing pad. Apply firm pressure and move the polishing pad in a straight up and down and side to side motion. After about 30 seconds, it's important to check the area being polished to see if there is a difference. If not, repeat the procedure. Once the scratch has been removed (or significantly improved), wipe the area with a clean cloth. Then apply Autoglym Super Resin Polish to ensure a glossy finish.
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