Ukázat detail
Váha: 1,40 Kg
Rozměry (DxHxŠ): 15x15x25 cm
Počet tohoto dílu na vozidle: 1 ks.
Autoglym Leather Care Kit
The leather set from Autoglym is specially developed in collaboration with one of England's leading car brands with the purpose of creating the complete package for those who want to clean and protect the leather surfaces in the cabin.
The kit includes:
Autoglym Leather Cleaner 500 Ml Leather Cleanser
Autoglym Leather Care Balm 500 Ml Leather Conditioner
Autoglym Aqua Dry Wash Cloth 50x44CM
Autoglym Perfect Polish Applicator 2 Pcs Applicator Sponge
Autoglym Leather Cleaner 500 Ml Leather Cleanser
Leather cleaner from Autoglym, containing a specific cleaning and odor-removing agent that gently cleans and refreshes leather upholstery. Unlike many cleaners, Autoglym Leather Cleaner has a neutral pH value and therefore does not remove the important oils in the leather that keep it supple and reduce cracking.
After cleaning, follow up with Autoglym Leather Care Balm/Cream for long-lasting protection and to prevent drying out.
Autoglym Leather Care Balm 500 Ml Leather Conditioner
Leather conditioner from Autoglym. Newly developed leather cream based on Autoglym Leather Care Cream, but with added polymer surface impregnation that protects against spills, moisture, and minimizes the risk of stains. A gently blended emulsion containing soaps and natural oils that protect the leather, keeping it soft, supple, and preserving its natural properties for many years.
Poorly maintained or dirty leather should be cleaned with Autoglym Leather Cleaner before applying Leather Care Cream/Balm. The product is colorless and silicone-free. Replaces Autoglym Leather Care Cream.
Autoglym Aqua Dry - 50 x 44 cm
100% synthetic wash cloth with impressive durability. It is super absorbent compared to traditional genuine wash cloths and much easier to wring out. Does not rot and does not crack/fray when dried out.
After drying: rinse under lukewarm water and the wash cloth is ready for use. Store the cloth in the box and keep it clean.
Can be machine washed at 60 degrees.
Autoglym Perfect Polish Applicator 2 Pcs Applicator Sponge
Applicator sponge designed with straight and rounded edges, making application of polishing agents against trims and edges even easier. The firmer top side provides a good grip on the applicator and helps to evenly distribute polishing agents.
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