Ukázat detail
Váha: 4,00 Kg
Rozměry (DxHxŠ): 40x51x30 cm
Počet tohoto dílu na vozidle: Neznámá částka/počet
ZORN Z32 Electric Cooler and Warmer, 30L, 12V/230V with USB-A/-C Connection
The ZORN Z32 electric cooler and warmer has a 30-liter capacity and can be powered via either a 12V or 230V connection. Additionally, the unit features USB-A/-C ports, enabling you to connect a power bank to extend the cooling duration when no external power source is available. This makes it convenient for use in situations where electricity is not readily accessible, such as during outdoor trips.
The cooler uses electricity to lower its internal temperature up to 17°C below the surrounding environment. It also includes a thermostat for adjusting temperature and energy consumption when using a 230V power source. The tightly sealed lid ensures efficient cooling by keeping the cold air inside.
With the use of a portable battery pack, the separation of the cooler's hot and cold zones can be maintained with only 5V/3A. This allows you to store pre-cooled food and drinks for several hours with a reduced cooling capacity, comparable to the ECO mode when powered by 230V, and maintaining a temperature difference of around 10°C from the ambient temperature. Another advantage of using a 5V/3A power supply is the reduced fan noise, providing almost silent operation in cooler nighttime conditions (e.g., at 17°C), ideal for use near sleeping areas like tents or campers.
For optimal performance, it is recommended to use a 5V/3A power pack with a capacity of 24,000mAh. This can maintain the cooling effect, with a 10°C temperature difference for up to 10 hours. Smaller batteries, like 10,000mAh units, can last for around 3 hours.
The cooler can accommodate 8x1.0-liter bottles (30.5 cm tall) or 1x1.5-liter bottles (35 cm tall), as well as 32x0.33 L cans.
Key Features:
Hygienic, food-safe materials, easy to clean
Environmentally friendly, works without refrigerants
Additional internal fan for quick and consistent cooling
Sealed lid to reduce condensation
Ergonomically shaped handle locks the lid when carried
Removable lid – can be opened with one hand
Technical Specifications:
Volume: 30 liters
Energy efficiency: E-rating (scale A to G)
Cooling capability: Up to 17°C below ambient temperature
High-quality PU insulation
Power options: 12V for car use and 230V for household use + USB-A/-C power packs (e.g., power banks)
Adjustable energy consumption and temperature on 230V
Spacious compartment for 12V, 230V, and 18V cables + USB-A/-C cable storage
Product weight: 3.9 kg
Product dimensions (L/W/H): 39 x 29.5 x 50.5 cm
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