Ukázat detail
Váha: 2,00 Kg
Rozměry (DxHxŠ): 50x40x30 cm
Počet tohoto dílu na vozidle: Neznámá částka/počet
ZORN 7.8 Ah Extra Li-Ion Battery for 25L Cooler
This ZORN 7.8 Ah extra battery is the perfect solution to extend the usage time of your 25L cooler, keeping your food and drinks cold for longer periods. With this battery, you get a reliable and durable power source designed to meet your needs when you're on the go. Small LEDs on the battery provide information about the battery’s charge status.
This extra battery from ZORN has an impressive capacity of 7.8 Ah, giving you long-lasting power without the need for frequent recharging. It's easy to install and connect to your cooler, allowing you to quickly start enjoying your outdoor adventures.
Whether you’re camping, at the beach, or on a longer road trip, the ZORN 7.8 Ah extra battery will ensure your cooler stays cold and keeps your refreshments fresh. With this battery, you won't need to worry about running out of power and maintaining the right temperature for your food. The battery weighs approximately 1.7 kg.
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