Ukázat detail
Váha: 13,60 Kg
Rozměry (DxHxŠ): 59x51x39 cm
Počet tohoto dílu na vozidle: Neznámá částka/počet
Outwell Arctic Chill 50 Cooler - 45.3L, 12V with Compressor
The Outwell Arctic Chill 50 compressor cooler is the ideal user-friendly solution for keeping food and drinks cold, capable of reaching temperatures as low as -20 °C using a 230 V/12 V power supply.
Design and Features:
This cooler features a sleek design along with practical functionalities such as temperature control via an LED display or a free Bluetooth app. It includes undervoltage protection, anti-tipping capabilities at 40 degrees, a 5 V/1 A USB charging port, and interior lighting. The cooler can accommodate standard 2-liter bottles in an upright position.
Compressor-driven cooler
Temperature range: -20 °C to +20 °C
Bluetooth control and monitoring via the free Outwell app
5 V/1 A USB charging port
LED display for user interface
Interior lighting
Sturdy casing and lid
Removable lid that can open from the left or right
Waterproof interior
Built-in low-profile handle and attachment point
Compatible with both 12V and 230V power supplies
Includes a 230 V adapter and cables for UK and European plugs
250 cm 12 V cable and 210 cm 230 V cable
Tipping-safe at 40 degrees
Dimensions: 59 x 39 x 51 cm
Internal dimensions: 45.5 x 27 x 41.5 cm
Volume: 45.3 liters
Using the APP via Bluetooth with Outwell Cooler:
1) Turn on the cooler.
2) Enable Bluetooth on the phone.
3) Download the Outwell ArcticConnect app (available for Android - Google Play or iPhone - App Store).
4) Tap “Settings” (the gear icon) so that “APP” appears on the cooler.
5) Select the detected device within the app on the phone.
6) The cooler and phone will now be connected.
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