Ukázat detail
Doba montáže: 0.5hodin(y).
Váha: 0,12 Kg
Rozměry (DxHxŠ): 1x21x12 cm
Počet tohoto dílu na vozidle: 1 ks.
Experience convenient parking with this approved parking disc for Germany and other European countries. Designed to easily fit in your pocket, this parking disc is crafted for effortless mounting and dismounting on the windshield. Measuring 15x11 cm, it's blue with a white disc and black digits, ensuring clear visibility.
This parking disc is approved in Germany, Holland, France, Belgium, and Austria, making it the perfect companion for your travels to these destinations. Say goodbye to parking worries and ensure compliance with local regulations with this reliable parking disc.
With an easy-to-read disc and simple functions, the parking disc is both user-friendly and efficient. It's easy to place on the windshield and ensures you're always in compliance with current parking regulations.
Remember, it's important to adhere to local rules and regulations when parking abroad. This parking disc provides peace of mind, knowing you have the right equipment to handle parking wherever your travels take you.
Drive safely and conveniently with this approved parking disc - your reliable solution for seamless parking abroad.
Nechte si provést v našich servisních místech montáž. Upozornení! Na našem webu najdete ""pouze"" 27.000 nových a použitých dílu a produktu z celkového poctu 500.000 dostupných položek v online katalogu pro BMW & MINI. Proto nás kontaktuje v prípadech, kdy nemužete najít hledaný díl ci doplnek! Máme nejširší nabídku dílu a doplnku pro BMW / MINI! Pokud znáte 11-místné originální císlo BMW dílu, mužete ho jednoduše vložit do vyhledávacího pole vpravo nahore nebo rovnou do košíku a ihned uvidíte príslušnou cenu dílu nebo doplnku! Stací již jen potvrdit nákupní košík a objednat! Kdykoliv nás kontaktujte na, pokud nenajdete to, co hledáte!"