Ukázat detail
Váha: 0,08 Kg
Rozměry (DxHxŠ): 10x8x5 cm
Počet tohoto dílu na vozidle: Neznámá částka/počet
Product description
Discover the innovative and elegant magnetic mount from AMiO. This advanced accessory features a powerful magnet coupled with an arm designed for mounting on your car’s air vents, offering full rotational capability. It includes a metal plate that makes it compatible with any smartphone.
- The mount can rotate 360 degrees, allowing the phone to be used both vertically and horizontally. Its design enables easy installation on air vents without the need for screws, tape, or glue.
- Wide Application: The mount is universally compatible. Simply attach the included metal plate to your phone case, or use it with any MagSafe-compatible device.
- Instant Installation: Mounting your phone is quick and hassle-free. Just place your phone on the mount and you’re good to go!
- Swiveling Arm: The adjustable arm allows you to find the perfect viewing angle, enhancing your driving experience.
- Easy and Durable Installation: The mount installs effortlessly into the vehicle’s air vents, ensuring stability and durability.
- Stylish Design: The AMiO holder boasts a modern, stylish, and subdued design that complements any interior.
- High-Quality Craftsmanship: Constructed from premium materials, the holder guarantees durability and longevity.
- Eco-Friendly Packaging: The product is packaged in 100% recyclable, plastic-free materials, emphasizing environmental responsibility.
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