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Váha: 0,20 Kg
Počet tohoto dílu na vozidle: Neznámá částka/počet
Welldon smart sports fix
Welldon Smart Sport seat - optimum comfort for your child Specifications: ECE 44/04 approved by ISO-FIX Group 1 + 2 (9-25 kg./Ca. 1-6 years) used with integrated belts 9-18 kg used without built-in belts, but using the car's seatbelts from 15 - 25 kg Mounted forward "Side-Armor" protection Memory foam for optimal comfort Shoulder / protection cushion on the shoulder belts and comfortable neck cushion built into the chair Sleep / rest function - 5 positions (one hand operated). Easy access to adjust the "sleep function" using the handle at the front under the chair 5-point belts with comfortable protective pad behind the lock. Easy access to tighten and loosen the belts. Adjustable strap practically placed on the front of the chair. The "guide" for the belts ensures correct mounting.
Breathable cover
Weight 7.5 kg
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