Ukázat detail
Doba montáže: 0,1hodin(y).
Váha: 0,80 Kg
Rozměry (DxHxŠ): 6x20x6 cm
Počet tohoto dílu na vozidle: 1 ks.
Get your diesel engine performing at its best with ServiceCleaner 2D!
ServiceCleaner 2D is specially designed to keep the intake, combustion chamber, lambda sensors, and catalytic converters clean and efficient in your diesel engine. The product effectively dissolves and prevents deposits in the combustion chamber, cleans the catalytic converter, and thereby reduces smoke emissions. Ideal for both major and minor servicing for internal cleaning.
Even the most carbonized engines can benefit from ServiceCleaner 2D, which may require 2-3 treatments for optimal results. It's important to note that the product is non-flammable and does not contain substances that can damage the engine or catalytic converter.
The cleaning not only improves the engine's compression and reduces smoke emissions, but it also cleans and loosens stuck piston rings in cases of oil consumption. With ServiceCleaner 2D, you get an engine that runs cleaner, more efficiently, and with increased performance!
Please note - we carry the complete range from Bell Add!
Get more out of your engine with Bell Adds many additives! For both petrol and diesel engines.
See more at: If you find something interesting please don't hesitate to contact us for a non-committal offer!
Nechte si provést v našich servisních místech montáž. Upozornení! Na našem webu najdete ""pouze"" 27.000 nových a použitých dílu a produktu z celkového poctu 500.000 dostupných položek v online katalogu pro BMW & MINI. Proto nás kontaktuje v prípadech, kdy nemužete najít hledaný díl ci doplnek! Máme nejširší nabídku dílu a doplnku pro BMW / MINI! Pokud znáte 11-místné originální císlo BMW dílu, mužete ho jednoduše vložit do vyhledávacího pole vpravo nahore nebo rovnou do košíku a ihned uvidíte príslušnou cenu dílu nebo doplnku! Stací již jen potvrdit nákupní košík a objednat! Kdykoliv nás kontaktujte na, pokud nenajdete to, co hledáte!"