Ukázat detail
Váha: 1,00 Kg
Rozměry (DxHxŠ): 27x8x25 cm
Počet tohoto dílu na vozidle: Neznámá částka/počet
Soft99 Glaco Glass Coating Kit 3-in-1
Complete set with three of the best products from Soft99 for treating and coating car windows. With these three products, you can easily clean and protect your car windows with so-called invisible wipers. You will maintain the effect for up to a whole year. The coating provides a strong water-repellent effect that enhances visibility while driving in rainy weather, improving your safety and travel comfort.
The set includes:
Glaco Compound Roll On
Used for deep cleaning of windows from dirt, limescale, and road film. Prepares the glass for the application of the subsequent Ultra Glaco coating.
How to use Glaco Compound Roll On:
Hand wash the windows, rinse, and leave them wet.
Squeeze the product to apply the agent to the glass.
Use the applicator to carefully distribute the agent in circular motions with light pressure.
Without letting it dry, rinse off the residue with a pressure washer.
Ultra Glaco
Ultra-durable glass coating. Repels water and dirt strongly, replacing the need for wipers. Makes window cleaning easier and reduces frost in winter. Lasts up to 12 months.
How to use Ultra Glaco:
Ensure the glass is clean and dry, then evenly distribute the agent.
After about 10 minutes, wipe off any residue with a dry microfiber cloth.
Do not allow the windows to come into contact with water for the first 12 hours.
Glaco De Cleaner
Glass cleaner with a hydrophobic additive. For regular use. Removes dirt, restores the window's transparency, and extends the durability of the Ultra Glaco coating.
How to use Glaco De Cleaner:
Apply the agent to the window/glass.
Wipe off any residue with a clean microfiber cloth.
Repeat the process if necessary.
Nechte si provést v našich servisních místech montáž. Upozornení! Na našem webu najdete ""pouze"" 27.000 nových a použitých dílu a produktu z celkového poctu 500.000 dostupných položek v online katalogu pro BMW & MINI. Proto nás kontaktuje v prípadech, kdy nemužete najít hledaný díl ci doplnek! Máme nejširší nabídku dílu a doplnku pro BMW / MINI! Pokud znáte 11-místné originální císlo BMW dílu, mužete ho jednoduše vložit do vyhledávacího pole vpravo nahore nebo rovnou do košíku a ihned uvidíte príslušnou cenu dílu nebo doplnku! Stací již jen potvrdit nákupní košík a objednat! Kdykoliv nás kontaktujte na, pokud nenajdete to, co hledáte!"