Ukázat detail
Váha: 4,50 Kg
Rozměry (DxHxŠ): 70x45x47 cm
Počet tohoto dílu na vozidle: Neznámá částka/počet
Welldon WD033 i-Size is suitable for children aged from newborn to 15 months (40-87 cm). This car seat is rear-facing and offers a quick and secure "click-mount" on the included ISOFIX base. Alternatively, it can also be fitted with a standard 3-point harness without using the ISOFIX base.
- Certification/standard: ECE R129/03 (i-Size)
- Direction of travel: Rear facing
- Installation with 3-point harness
- Easy and safe installation with Isofix and support legs
- Adjustable headrest with 6 positions
- Adjustable handle with 3 positions
- Ventilation system
- Isofix base
- Outer dimensions: Width: 69 cm, Depth: 44 cm, Height: 49 cm
- Weight: 4.5 kg
- Color: Black with white details
3 year warranty
Safety is a priority for Welldon. WD033 is tested and certified according to the latest European safety standard ECE R129/03 (i-Size). The car seat has integrated 3-point seat belt protection and soft seat belt protectors for extra comfort and safety.
The installation of the car seat is simple with isofix mounting, and offers maximum safety and comfort for your child. It has an adjustable headrest and a ventilation system for comfortable air ventilation. In addition, the car seat has a removable and washable cover, which makes maintenance easy and practical.
Can be washed at 30°C in neutral detergent.
Welldon WD033 i-Size is the ideal solution for safe and comfortable driving with your newborn child.
Nechte si provést v našich servisních místech montáž. Upozornení! Na našem webu najdete ""pouze"" 27.000 nových a použitých dílu a produktu z celkového poctu 500.000 dostupných položek v online katalogu pro BMW & MINI. Proto nás kontaktuje v prípadech, kdy nemužete najít hledaný díl ci doplnek! Máme nejširší nabídku dílu a doplnku pro BMW / MINI! Pokud znáte 11-místné originální císlo BMW dílu, mužete ho jednoduše vložit do vyhledávacího pole vpravo nahore nebo rovnou do košíku a ihned uvidíte príslušnou cenu dílu nebo doplnku! Stací již jen potvrdit nákupní košík a objednat! Kdykoliv nás kontaktujte na, pokud nenajdete to, co hledáte!"