Ukázat detail
Váha: 0,85 Kg
Rozměry (DxHxŠ): 14x62x8 cm
Počet tohoto dílu na vozidle: Neznámá částka/počet
California Car Duster – Keep Your Car Dust-Free with Minimal Effort
California Car Duster is the perfect tool to keep your car clean and dust-free without using water or chemicals. The classic wooden handle ensures a comfortable and secure grip, while the specially treated cotton fibers attract dust like a magnet – without scratching even the most delicate surfaces.
Ideal for both daily use and showroom cars, as the duster becomes more effective the more it is used. With proper maintenance, it lasts for years, making it an essential tool for any car enthusiast.
Instructions for Use:
- Ensure the duster's fibers are clean and dry before use
- Gently glide the duster over the car’s surface without applying pressure
- Shake the duster gently after use to remove excess dust
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